768 – Πλήρης ἀμερικανικὴ κατάρρευσις

According to American political activist Noam Chomsky, America’s decline started shortly after the end of World War II, with the “loss of China” followed by the Indochina Wars [καὶ ἡ ἀμερικανικὴ κατάρρευσις ὡλοκληρώθη τὸ 2021 μὲ τὴν ἀμερικανικὴ ἀποχώρησις, μετὰ ἀπὸ 20 ὁλόκληρα χρόνια ἀναποτελεσματικῶν ἀμερικανικῶν ἐπιχειρήσεων,, μετὰ ἀπὸ 20 ὁλόκληρα χρόνια (2001-2021) βιετναμικοῦ τύπου πανωλεθρίας στὸ Ἀφγανιστάν, σὲ μία ἀμερικανικὴ ἐπιχείρησις κατὰ τῶν Ταλιμπάνων στὴν Καμποὺλ ποὺ προέβλεπε πὼς θὰ ἐτελείωνε μὲ ἐπιτυχία σε 15 ἡμέρες! By 1970, the United States’ share of world wealth had declined to about 25%, which was still large but sharply reduced. Chomsky dismisses the “remarkable rhetoric of the several years of triumphalism in the 1990s” as “mostly self-delusion”. However, Chomsky argued in 2011 that power will not shift to China and India, because these are poor countries [ἡ Κίνα ἐπαυσε ὅμως πρὸ πολλοῦ νὰ εἶναι πτωχὴ χώρα, ἀλλὰ ἀντιθέτως πάμπλουτη τὸ 2021] with severe internal problems, and there will be no competitor for global hegemonic power in the foreseeable future.

According to historian Emmanuel Todd, an expansion in military activity and aggression can appear to be an increase in power, but can mask a decline in power. He observes that this occurred with the Soviet Union in the 1970s, and with the Roman Empire, and that the United States may be going through a similar period.

There were 38 large and medium-sized American facilities spread around the globe in 2005—mostly air and naval bases—approximately the same number as Britain’s 36 naval bases and army garrisons at its imperial zenith in 1898.[34] Yale historian Paul Kennedy compares the U.S. situation to Great Britain’s prior to World War I, saying that the map of U.S. bases is similar.

Commentators such as Allan Bloom, E. D. Hirsch and Russel Jacoby have suggested American culture is in decline.[35] Samuel P. Huntington commented critically on a trend in American culture and politics of predicting constant decline since the late 1950s. As he saw it, declinism came in several distinct waves, namely in reaction to the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik; to the Vietnam War; to the oil shock of 1973; to Soviet tensions in the late 1970s; and to the general unease that accompanied the end of the Cold War.[4] The rise of postmodernism since WWII has contributed to the decline of American culture,[how?] according to Jeffrey Goldfarb.

William J. Bennett argues that America’s cultural decline is signaling “a shift in the public’s attitudes and beliefs”.[36] According to the Index of Leading Cultural Indicators, published in 1993, statistically portraying the moral, social and behavioral conditions of modern American society, often described as ‘values’, America’s cultural condition was in decline with respect to the situations of 30 years ago, 1963. The index showed that there has been an increase in violent crime by more than 6 times, illegitimate births by more than 5 times, the divorce rate by 5 times, the percentage of children living in single-parent homes by four times, and the teenage suicide rate by three times during the 30-year period.

“Brace yourself. The American empire is over. And the descent is going to be horrifying”.
—Chris Hedges, 2010

Historian Harold James wrote an article titled “Late Soviet America”, comparing the present-day United States to the former Soviet Union. James wrote that many aspects of the US now resemble the late Soviet Union: intensification of social conflict, ethnic/racial rivalries, and economic decline. He predicted that the dollar may lose its value and start looking like the Soviet ruble. James ended the article saying that the economic decline will continue, even if there is change in leadership, pointing to Gorbachev’s inability to prevent collapse after succeeding Brezhnev.

Alex Lo, a columnist from South China Morning Post, wrote, “Soviet Russia under Mikhail Gorbachev didn’t know they had already lost the empire until it was too late. The fate of the United States will not be any different.”

Ἡ Ἑλλὰς ὅμως εἶναι ὑποχρεωμένη νὰ ὑποστηρίζει ὁλοκληρωτικὰ τὴν ἀμερικανικὴ πολιτικὴ στὸ Αἰγαῖο ὡς μοναδικὴ θαλασσία ἀσπὶς κατα τῆς ῥωσσικῆς καθόδου στὶς θερμὲς θάλασσες τοῦ ἠπειρωτικοῦ εὐρασιανισμοῦ τοῦ μεγαλοϊδεάτου Ντούγκιν. Αὐτὸ συμπεριλαμβάνει καὶ ἡ Ἑλλὰς νὰ εὑρίσκεται στὸ πλευρὸ τοῦ φσιστικοῦ καθεστῶτος τοῦ Κιέβου καὶ τὸ Φανάρι νὰ συνεχίζει νὰ ὑποστηρίζει τὴν σχισματικὴ Ἐκκλησία τῆς Οὐκρανίας.

America’s Catastrophic Decline: The Indicators
The United States is undergoing a profound and radical transformation all features of which point to the fact of its departure at an accelerated rate from its largely self-proclaimed status as a global hegemon. The United States has lost ground in every single category that defines the power and status of a nation in relation to its rivals.

“”Andrei Martyanov is in a class by himself… His new book, Disintegration, completes a trilogy. And it’s a stunning departure. Here, Martyanov, in meticulous detail, analyzes the imperial decline thematically – with chapters on Consumption, Geoeconomics, Energy, Losing the Arms Race, among others, composing a devastating indictment especially of toxic D.C. lobbies and the prevailing political mediocrity across the Beltway. What is laid bare for the reader is the complex interplay of forces that are driving the political, ideological, economic, cultural and military American chaos…” —PEPE ESCOBAR, Asia Times

“Andrei Martyanov’s third book discussing the collapse of the US Empire looks into the social and economic phenomena which all contribute to that collapse. Disintegration is a multi-level analysis of the crisis which is now so clearly plaguing the USA of 2021. I consider Disintegration a “must read” for every US patriot who wants his country to overcome its current difficulties and for every person on the planet who wants to avoid a full scale war between Russia and/or China and the USA. Indeed, if you want to get a superb summation of what is *really* going on in the United States – read all of Martyanov’s books.” —THE VINEYARD SAKER

“Martyanov shows that America’s disintegration is irreversible because the ruling elites are an organic part of the calamitous sources of dysfunction that have destroyed the country…The destruction of American unity and foundational beliefs is only one reason that the United States is disintegrating. Martyanov provides a number of other causes of our disintegration. One is that not only the US but the entirety of the Western world is no longer capable of providing competent leadership. This failure is general and not limited to government. Martyanov likens the Western world to a “Warhol can of Campbell’s Soup, which is nothing more than a ‘school of pretense.’” The West’s 15 minutes of fame is up.””—PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

Δημήτρης Κιτσίκης 11 Ἰουλίου 2021

A – Ἰδοὺ ὸ ἀποτέλεσμα τοῦ ἀντιτραμβισμοῦ καὶ τὴν ἀντιρωσσικὴ πολιτικὴ τοῦ ἀνιάτου Μπάϊντεν: Ἐπέτυχε να ἐπαναφέρῃ στὴν κινεζικὴ ἀγκαλιὰ τὸν πρώην ὑποστηρικτὴ τοῦ Τραμβίου, τὸν βορειοκορεάτη ἡγέτη Κὶμ Γιὸνγκ Ούν, ποὺ οὔτε νὰ ἀκούσῃ πλέον γιὰ ἀμερικανικὴ συμμαχία.


Τζὸ Μπάϊντεν, τὸν κατεδαφιστὴ τὴς ἀμερικανικῆς πολιτικῆς.

Δημήτρης Κιτσίκης

Αφγανιστάν όπως Βιετνάμ, ακόμη ένας μάταιος πόλεμος * 20 χρόνια μετά, οἱ Ταλιμπὰν εἶναι ἀκριβῶς ἐδῶ



A – ΟἹ Ῥῶσσοι, μετὰ τὴν ἔξωσί τους ἀπὸ τὴν ἀμερικανικὴ εἰσβολὴ στὸ Ἀφγανιστάν, σήμερα έπανέρχονται, μετὰ τὴν πλήρη ἀμερικανικὴ ἀποτυχία.
