A new poll has found that even though most Americans are proud of their geographic knowledge, fewer than half know where the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls are. Some even thought the falls were in Iceland.
The poll, published on Friday, found that, by and large, Americans are confident in their handle on geography. Of the respondents, 64% reckoned they could locate some famous American landmarks, but few were correct. Just 38% knew that the Grand Canyon – one of the seven ‘Wonders of the Natural World’ – is located in Arizona, while only 32% knew that the Niagara Falls tumbled over the border between Ontario, Canada, and New York.
Bizarrely, 22% thought the falls were located in Iceland, while 18% believed Illinois’ Shawnee National Forest is actually in Ireland – a margin of error of nearly 4,000 miles.
A – The lack of geographical knowledge is particularly worrying considering the results from a New York Times study. It found that Americans who can’t find North Korea on a map are more likely to favor military action.
B – Χωρὶς τὸ ἑβραϊκὸ στοιχεῖο δὲν θὰ ὑπῆρχε ἀμερικανικὸς πολιτισμός
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