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Do Turks and Greeks know that Dimitri Kitsikis and, before that, Ataturk and Venizelos wanted to create a Turkey-Greece confederation?

What did Ataturk think/say about Greece/Greeks?Do Greeks and Turks know that some people aretrying to create a Turkish and Greekconfederation?Is it possible to have a Greek-TurkishConfederation in the future?Why did Kemal Ataturk send all the Christiansfrom Turkey to Greece even if not all of them wereGreeks?Why can’t Cypriot Greeks and Turks create a newconstitution and regain independence fromGreece and Turkey?What do Greeks think about European Turks usingGreece as a route to drive to Turkey?How is the Turkish-Greek Confederation viewedby Greeks?Are Turkish people the descendants of Greekconverts to Islam, Circassians, Bosniaks,Albanians Persian, and Arabs instead of the Turksfrom C…Can descendants of Greek speaking Turks(Cretan Turks or Pontic Turks) living in Turkey,become citizens of Greece?Do Turks miss Atatürk?Ask New QuestionEleftherios Venizelo (former prime minister of Greece)Dimitri KitsikisMustafa Kemal AtatürkGreek Ethnicity and PeopleTurkish Ethnicity and Peoplehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HellenoturkismWhy should I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google?#1 — Google tracks you. We don’t.You share your most intimate secrets withyour search engine without even thinking: medical, financial and personalissues, along with all the d…(Continue Reading)6 AnswersSeiikan Yilmaz, former Engineer at JacobsAnswered Sep 17 2017No, because it seems impossible at this point so no one mentions it. Too manyMuslim citizens of Turkey (a third of the populatiom including myself ) haveancestors that were genocided. My great grandfather, an ethnic Albanian, now aTurk, wakes up every night while shouting things like :“Flee Atike, flee! Take Xhemali with you! Go to the east!”“Mom,mom,mom!”“NOOO”The Greeks massacred almost his entire family. He had one cousin left, Xhemali,who passed away recently. The Greeks suffered a lot too, but I am not going to letthem defame my people while they deny all atrocities committed by them onmy people. If both of us admit to our ancestors’s deeds, we might consider aconfederation.Ottoman Muslims were victims of deportation, expulsion, and massacres. 2million were killed.Persecution of Ottoman Muslims refers to the persecution,Related QuestionsAd by DuckDu

massacre, or ethnic cleansing of Muslims (Albanians, Bosniaks, Pomaks,Circassians, Ottoman Turks and others) by non-Muslim ethnic groups duringthedissolution of the Ottoman Empire. The 19th century saw the rise ofnationalism in the Balkans which resulted in the establishment of anindependent Greece, Serbia andBulgaria. Most of the local Muslims in thesecountries suffered as many died during the conflicts and others fled. Thepersecution of Muslims was continued during World War I by the invadingRussian troops in the east and the Caucasus and during the Turkish War ofIndependence in the west, east, and south of Anatolia. After the Greek-Turkishwar, apopulation exchange took place and most Muslims in Greece left. Duringthese centuries many Muslim refugees, called Muhacir, settled in Turkey. The Bulgarian uprising eventually lead to a war between Russia and theOttomans. Russia invaded the Ottoman Balkans through Dobrudzha andnorthern Bulgaria attacking the Muslim population. In this war the Ottomanswere defeated and in the process a large part of the Turks of Bulgaria fledtoAnatolia and Constantinople. It was a cold winter and a large part of themdied. Some of them returned after the war but most of these left again. TheBulgarian Muslims (part of them Turks) settled mostly around the Sea of

Marmara. Some of them had been wealthy and they played an important part inthe Ottoman elite in later years. Almost half of the pre war 1,5 million Muslimpopulation of Bulgaria was gone, an estimated 200,000 died and the rest fled. On the eve of the outbreak of a second round of hostilities between Serbia andthe Ottoman Empire in 1877, a notable Muslim population existed in the districtsof Niš, Pirot, Vranje, Leskovac, Prokuplje and Kuršumlija. The rural parts ofToplica, Kosanica, Pusta Rekaand Jablanica valleys and adjoining semi-mountainous interior was inhabited by compact Muslim Albanian populationwhile Serbs in those areas lived near the river mouths and mountain slopes andboth peoples inhabited other regions of the South Morava river basin. TheMuslim population of most of the area was composed out of ethnic GhegAlbanians and with Turks located in urban centres. Part of the Turks were ofAlbanian origin. The Muslims in the cities of Niš and Pirot were Turkish-speaking;Vranje and Leskovac were Turkish- and Albanian-speaking; Prokupljeand Kuršumlija were Albanian-speaking. There was also a minority of Circassianrefugees settled by the Ottomans during the 1860s, near the then border aroundthe environs of Niš. Estimates vary on the size of the Muslim population on theeve of the war within these areas ranging from as high as 200, 000 to as low as131,000. Estimates as to the number of the Muslim refugees that left the regionfor the Ottoman Empire due to the war range from 60–70,000 to as low as30,000. The departure of the Albanian population from these regions was donein a manner that today would be characterized as ethnic cleansing. In 1912 Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria andMontenegro declared war on the Ottomans.The Ottomans quickly lost territory. According to Geert-Hinrich Ahrens, “theinvading armies and Christian insurgents committed a wide range of atrocitiesupon the Muslim population.” In Kosovo and Albania most of the victims wereAlbanians while in other areas most of the victims were Turks andPomaks. Alarge number of Pomaks in the Rhodopes were forcibly converted toOrthodoxybut later allowed to reconvert, most of them did. During this war hundreds ofStill have a question? Ask your own!What is your question?Ask

12/15/2018Do Turks and Greeks know that Dimitri Kitsikis and, before that, Ataturk and Venizelos wanted to create a Turkey-Greece confederation…https://www.quora.com/Do-Turks-and-Greeks-know-that-Dimitri-Kitsikis-and-before-that-Ataturk-and-Venizelos-wanted-to-create-a-Turkey-Greece-conf…3/9thousands of the Turks and Pomaks fled their villages and became refugees.Thessaloniki and Adrianople were crowded with them. By sea and land mostlythey settled in Ottoman Thrace and Anatolia.Caucasus Campaign Historian Uğur Ümit Üngör, and others noted that during the Russian invasionof Ottoman lands, “many atrocities were carried out against the local Turks andKurds by the Russian army and Armenian volunteers.” A large part of the localMuslim Turks and Kurds fled west after the Russian invasion of 1916. Accordingto J. Rummel at least 128,000 Muslims were killed by Russian troops andArmenian irregulars during the period between 1914–1915. A further 40,000Muslims were killed by Armenian troops in the region occupied by Russiantroops between 1917 and 1918.Greco–Turkish WarAfter the Greek landing and the followingoccupation of Western Anatolia afterWorld War I during the Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922) the Turkish resistanceactivity was answered with terror against the local Muslims. Killings, rapes, andvillage burnings took place as the Greek Army advanced. Historian Taner Akçamnoted that a British officer reported as follows: The National forces were established solely for the purpose of fighting theGreeks..,. The Turks are willing to remain under the control of any other state.,..There was not even an organized resistance at the time of the Greek occupation.Yet the Greeks are persisting in their oppression, and they have continued toburn villages, kill Tur

kill Turks and rape and kill women and young girls and throttle todeath children.Cities where the Muslim neighbourhoods were burnt down and Muslimsmassacred by the Greek army. During the Greek occupation, Greek troops and local Greeks, Armenian, andCircassiangroups committed the Yalova Peninsula Massacres in early 1921against the local Muslim population. These resulted, according to some sources

official, reveal a relatevely low number of casualties: based on the Ottomanenquiry to which 177 survivors responded, only 35 were reported as killed,wounded or beaten or missing. This is also in accordance with Toynbee’saccounts that one to two murders were enough to drive out the population.Another source estimates that barely 1.500 Muslims out of 7,000 survived in theenvironment of Yalova. The Greeks advanced all the way to Central Anatolia. After the Turkish attack in1922 the Greeks retreated and Norman M. Naimarknotes that “the Greek retreatwas even more devastating for the local population than the occupation”.During the retreat, towns and villages were burned as part of a scorched earthpolicy, accompanied with massacres and rapes. During this war, a part ofWestern Anatolia was destroyed, large towns such asManisa, Salihli togetherwith many villages being burned. The Inter-Allied commission, consisting ofBritish, French, American and Italian officers found that “there is a systematicplan of destruction of Turkish villages and extinction of the Muslimpopulation.” Total Muslim deaths and refugees during these centuries are estimated to beseveral millions. It is estimated that during the last decade of the OttomanEmpire (1912–1922) when the Balkan wars, World War I and war of Independencetook place, close to 2 million Muslims, civilian and military, died in the area ofmodern Turkey. According to historianJustin McCarthy, between the years 1821–1922, from the beginning of the Greek War of Independence to the end of theOttoman Empire, five million Muslims were driven from their lands and anotherfive and one-half million died, some of them killed in wars, others perishing asrefugees from starvation or disease.Cities where the Muslim neighbourhoods wereburnt down and people massacred by Greek forces during the Greco-TurkishWar.The perpetrators were Greek troops and local Greek and Armenian gangs,who burned down Orhangazi,Yenişehir, Armutlu. In total 27 villages were razedand their population fled. In Armutlu women were methodically raped.Circassians participated also in the events. Greeks landing at Smyrna The orderly landing of the Greek army soon turned into a riot against the localTurkish population by local Greeks and Greek soldiers. Stores and houses werelooted, many cases of beatings, rape, killing. Bilecik massacre. The town of Bilecik and crops were burned down by the retreating Greek army,local people were massacred. Bilecik,Sögüt, Bozüyük and dozens of neighboringvillages were burned or plundered by the hastily retreating Greek army, theirhaste limited the destruction. Izmit (not Izmir! Although Turks in Izmir were also massacred) massacre. Up to 300 people, mostly men, were executed by Greek troops. Their bodieswere buried in a mass grave outside the town.Arnold J. Toynbee was a reporterStill have a question? Ask your own!What is your question?Ask

12/15/2018Do Turks and Greeks know that Dimitri Kitsikis and, before that, Ataturk and Venizelos wanted to create a Turkey-Greece confederation…https://www.quora.com/Do-Turks-and-Greeks-know-that-Dimitri-Kitsikis-and-before-that-Ataturk-and-Venizelos-wanted-to-create-a-Turkey-Greece-conf…5/9who described these events in the Manchester Guardian. Karatepe massacre. In one of the examples of the Greek atrocities during the retreat, on 14 February1922, in the Turkish village of Karatepe in Aydin Vilayeti, after being surroundedby the Greeks, all the inhabitants were put into the mosque, then the mosquewas burned. The few who escaped fire were shot. Salihli maasacre. The city was burned by the retreating Greek army, 65% of the buildings weredestroyed. Turgutlu massacre. The city was burned by the retreating Greek army, 90% of the buildings weredestroyed. Approximately 30,000 died. Park:”Cassaba (present day Turgutlu)was a town of 40,000 souls, 3,000 of whom were non-Muslims. Of the 2,000buildings that constituted the city, only 200 remained standing.” Uşak massacre. The city was burned by the retreating Greek army, 33% of the buildings weredestroyed. Manisa massacre. The city was burned by the retreating Greek army. James Loder Park, the U.S.Vice-Consul in Constantinople at the time, who toured much of the devastatedarea immediately after the Greek evacuation, described the situation, as follows:”Manisa… almost completely wiped out by fire… 10,300 houses, 15 mosques, 2baths, 2,278 shops, 19 hotels, 26 villas… [destroyed.] Alaşehir massacre The city was burned by the retreating Greek army.A general massacre ensuedthe fall ofNavarino on August 19, 1821. The worst Greek atrocity in terms of the numbers of victims involved was themassacre following the Fall of Tripolitsa in 1822. Up to 30,000 Turks had beenkilled in Tripolitsa: For three days the miserable inhabitants were given over to lust and cruelty of amob of savages. Neither sex nor age was spared. Women and children weretortured before being put to death. So great was the slaughter thatKolokotronishimself says that, from the gate to the citadel his horse’s hoofs never touchedthe ground. His path of triumph was carpeted with corpses. At the end of twodays, the wretched remnant of the Mussulmans were deliberately collected, tothe number of some two thousand souls, of every age and sex, but principallyStill have a question? Ask your own!What is your question?Ask

12/15/2018Do Turks and Greeks know that Dimitri Kitsikis and, before that, Ataturk and Venizelos wanted to create a Turkey-Greece confederation…https://www.quora.com/Do-Turks-and-Greeks-know-that-Dimitri-Kitsikis-and-before-that-Ataturk-and-Venizelos-wanted-to-create-a-Turkey-Greece-conf…6/9women and children, were led out to a ravine in the neighboring mountains andthere butchered like cattle. Although the total estimates of the casualties vary, the Turkish, MuslimAlbanian and Jewish population of the Peloponnese had ceased to exist as asettled community. Some estimates of the Turkish and Muslim Albaniancivilian deaths by the rebels range from 15,000 out of 40,000 Muslim residentsto 30,000 only in Tripolitsa. According to historians W. Alison Phillips, GeorgeFinlay, William St. Clair and Barbara Jelavich, massacres of Turkish civiliansstarted simultaneously with the outbreak of the revolt, while Harris J. Booraswrote that the massacres followed the brutal hanging of Ecumenical PatriarchGregory V of Constantinople. Historian George Finlay claimed that the extermination of the Muslims in therural districts was the result of a premeditated design and it proceeded morefrom the suggestions of men of letters, than from the revengeful feelings of thepeople. William St. Clair wrote that: “The orgy of genocide exhausted itself in thePeloponnese only when there were no more Turks to kill.” Central GreeceEdit In Athens, 1,190 Turks, of whom only 190 were capable of bearing arms,surrendered upon promises of security. W. Alison Phillips noted that: A scene ofhorror followed which has only too many parallels during the course of thishorrible war. Vrachori, modern day Agrinio, was an important town in West-Central Greece.It contained, besides the Christian population, some five hundred Musulmanfamilies and about two hundred Jews. The massacres in Vrachori commencedwith the Jews and soon Musulmans shared the same fate. Aegean IslandsEdit There were also massacres towards the Muslim inhabitants of the islands in theAegean Sea, in the early years of the Greek revolt. According to historianWilliam St. clair, one of the aims of the Greek revolutionaries was to embroil asmany Greek communities as possible in their struggle. Their technique was “toengineer some atrocity against the local Turkish population”, so that thesedifferent Greek communities would have to ally themselves with therevolutionaries fearing a retaliation from the Ottomans. In such a case, in March1821, Greeks from the Samos island had landed in the Island Chios and attackedthe Muslim population living in that island. Another similar massacre took place in the island Hydra, one of the mostimportant Aegean islands. Besides the atrocities committed against the localMuslims in the island, two hybrid brigs captured a Turkish ship laden with avaluable cargo, and carrying a number of passengers. Among these was arecently deposed Sheikh-ul-Islam, or patriarch of the Orthodox Muslims, whowas said to be going to Mecca for pilgrimage. It was his efforts to prevent thecruel reprisals which, at Constantinople, followed the news of the massacres inStill have a question? Ask your own!What is your question?Ask

12/15/2018Do Turks and Greeks know that Dimitri Kitsikis and, before that, Ataturk and Venizelos wanted to create a Turkey-Greece confederation…https://www.quora.com/Do-Turks-and-Greeks-know-that-Dimitri-Kitsikis-and-before-that-Ataturk-and-Venizelos-wanted-to-create-a-Turkey-Greece-conf…7/9Peloponnese, which brought him into disfavor, and caused his exile. There werealso several other Turkish families on board. British historian of the Greekrevolt, W. Alison Phillips noted: The Hydriots murdered them all in cold blood,helpless old men, ladies of rank, beautiful slaves, and little children werebutchered like cattle. The venerable old man, whose crime had been an excess ofzeal on behalf of the Greeks, was forced to see his family outraged and murderedbefore his eyes….. But ofcourse, someone answered that no one knows about theconfederation idea is due to the genocides committed by Turks. It’s got nothingto do with others, right? I can actually send more articles. Wanna know whathappened to the Circassians and who helped them?Circassian genocide – WikipediaI recommend you read about it.Circassians – WikipediaLets also take a look at how many of them live in Turkey instead of theirhomeland, now part of Russia.For the record, everything I just said is a fractionof what happened to Muslims. I haven’t spoken about Bosniaks, TurkishCypriots, Georgian Muslims, Chechens and Crimean Tatars yet and I can postmore texts about what happened to Albanians, Turks and Pomaks. No one isinnocent. The Turks are not innocent at all, but nor are the Christianssurrounding us and other Muslim Balkanic or Caucasian nations.You can notblame one side of a conflict for denial if the other side does the same damnthing.Sources :Stanford J. Shaw, Ezel Kural Shaw,History of the Ottoman Empire andModern Turkey, Cambridge University Press, 1977,Alan W. Fisher, The Crimean Tatars, Hoover Press, 1978,Walter Richmond,The Circassian Genocide, Rutgers University Press,2013,Arno Tanner,The Forgotten Minorities of Eastern Europe, East-WestBooks, 2004,Alexander Laban Hinton, Thomas La Pointe,Hidden Genocides, DouglasIrvin-Erickson, Rutgers University Press, 2013,Erica Chenoweth, Adria Lawrence,Rethinking Violence, MIT Press, 2010,Klejda Mulaj,Politics of Ethnic Cleansing, Lexington Books, 2008,John K. Cox, The History of Serbia, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002,Igor Despot,The Balkan Wars in the Eyes of the Warring Parties,iUniverse, 2012,Douglas Arthur Howard, The History of Turkey, Greenwood PublishingGroup, 2001,Benjamin Lieberman,Terrible Fate: Ethnic Cleansing in the Making ofModern Europe, Rowman & Littlefield, 2013,John Joseph,Muslim-Christian Relations and Inter-Christian Rivalries,SUNY Press, 1983,Still have a question? Ask your own!What is your question?Ask

12/15/2018Do Turks and Greeks know that Dimitri Kitsikis and, before that, Ataturk and Venizelos wanted to create a Turkey-Greece confederation…https://www.quora.com/Do-Turks-and-Greeks-know-that-Dimitri-Kitsikis-and-before-that-Ataturk-and-Venizelos-wanted-to-create-a-Turkey-Greece-conf…8/9What do Greeks think about European Turks using Greece as a route to drive to Turkey?How is the Turkish-Greek Confederation viewed by Greeks?Are Turkish people the descendants of Greek converts to Islam, Circassians, Bosniaks,Albanians Persian, and Arabs instead of the Turks from C…Can descendants of Greek speaking Turks (Cretan Turks or Pontic Turks) living in Turkey,become citizens of Greece?Do Turks miss Atatürk?Are Turks too obsessed with Ataturk?What do Qataris think about Turkey and Turks?Why did Venizelos want the Nobel Peace Award to go to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk?Why do Sardinians look a lot like Greeks and Turks?How did the Turks get to Turkey?How do Turks who live in Greece feel about Greeks and Greece? Do they feel welcomedthere?Stop wasting money – this app finds every discount online.Never overpay again. Honey finds the best promo code and applies it for youautomatically – for free.What did Ataturk think/say about Greece/Greeks?Do Greeks and Turks know that some people are trying to create a Turkish and Greekconfederation?Is it possible to have a Greek-Turkish Confederation in the future?Why did Kemal Ataturk send all the Christians from Turkey to Greece even if not all ofthem were Greeks?Why can’t Cypriot Greeks and Turks create a new constitution and regain independencefrom Greece and Turkey?Ask New Question882 Views · View 20 UpvotersVictor Roudometof, Nationalism, Globalization, and Orthodoxy,Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001,Charles Jelavich,The Establishment of the Balkan National States, 1804–1920, University of Washington Press, 1986,Suraiya Faroqhi,The Cambridge History of Turkey, CambridgeUniversity Press, 2006,Ryan Gingeras, Sorrowful Shores, Oxford University Press, 2009,Ugur Ümit Üngör, The Making of Modern Turkey, Oxford UniversityPress, 2011,Stanley Elphinstone Kerr,The Lions of Marash, SUNY Press, 1973,Sponsored by HoneyRelated QuestionsMore Answers BelowRelated QuestionsLearn more at joinhoney.comStill have a question?